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Natalia Skoczylas & Vishnu Vardhani Rajan: QUEER EMBASSY OF POSSIBLE FUTURES

Tickets: free | maksuton | gratis
Location : Mad House Helsinki / Teurastamo View on map

Language | kieli | språk: English

Queer Embassy and a LARP LAB is an experiential study space, in which we invite our (queer) kin to experiment with us, in the spirit of slow exchanges, non-expert discussions, radical bonding, fugitive studies, enacting of possible realities and offerings of practices. It is a sensing and sensual space of collective study and rest for queer and female bodies, bodies outside of binaries, bodies of expertise, bodies of water and air.

We, Nat and Vishnu, invite you to be part of the queer embassy larp sessions. 

A slowly growing and flexible space, in a form mixing together summer school principles of informal, grassroots, peer to peer education with a bit of a subversive and political ingredient of Each One Teach One philosophy - the act of sharing of the skills and knowledge as an act of resistance.

LARPing; a powerful practice that allows living out possible realities. 

Each day is organised into three parts. 

Morning we meet at 9:00AM to swim, meditate, brunch and read together hydrofeminist texts. 

Midday is dedicated to a craft and a practice of weaving solidarity, playfulness, intentionality and connection. The practices offered explore our connection to Air as an element, They will interchably be either Quilting, offered by Vishnu, or stitching/embroidery, offered by Nat.

This is also the time to start thinking of your LARP- Personality/Character. 

In the evenings, we explore queer, feminist, alternative economies in the first week. In the second week, we go more into the wild, digital, ancient, speculative realms of what queer realities could be. Please note that you need to register separately for the evening sessions.

PS: we invite you to enter these days as an open laboratory of ideas, furnished with cultural, political, and visual references, and plenty of time and space to improvise and create together. 

Please find more detailed information and the agenda here.

Working group: Natalia Skoczylas and Vishnu Vardhani Rajan.

Please register for the sessions of the 1st week (01.-04.07.) here.
Please register for the sessions of the 2nd week  (08.-11.07.) here.
