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Tickets: free / maksuton / grattis
Location : Asbestos Art Space View on map

Locations | sijainti: Asbestos artspace, Mäkelänktu 45 & around the city

15 — 25 Apr 2021

Desist: this is what these theses are

A conversation between a place I have not been in and the possibility of things to be. To desist. To suspend. To offer spaces in which certain presences can offer a reformulation and a different sphere from where to sense from. This is what these theses are.

During the BAD HOUSE festival, some platforms on public spaces will be offered. These platforms are triggers and scores that support and suspend the circulation of the public space. It is an offering to dance and movement with the gaze and the senses. A closer look and a look from afar. To see and to be found. 

Be where you are.
Give space.
Give space to the place to unfold again and not be defined. Space to discover and to be absorbed.

The project is an invitation made by Quim Bigas with the presence in Helsinki of Mikko Niemistö, the support on the graphics by Raquel Tomàs, the tracks by Pau Matas and the accompaniment of Anna Bohigas and BAD HOUSE festival.

One part of the work can be experienced between 15.-25.4. in Asbestos Art Space, Mäkelänkatu 45, Helsinki (on the window). The work includes a QR code that leads to a new layer. Take your phone and headphones with you!
In addition, the work spreads out around Helsinki and can be experienced in random places. Stay aware :)

The artists is happy to hear thoughts, feelings or receive pictures related to the work.
Instagram @quimbigas

Quim Bigas is working within the fields of choreography, performance arts, information and education. Since 2007 he has combined performing, different collaborations and his own artistic work. He is interested in questions related to social relationships, place and locality.
